Saturday, June 28, 2008

Down Command

After Slurpie was doing Sit command consistently, we introduced the Down command. This is relatively easy really as the pup will eagerly do anything to get the treat now that he knows training means treat! Don't worry later as we phrase out the treats he will still do the command automatically with consistent training and practice.

We start with Sit > Treat

Then in sit position, we used another treat. Place it near his nose and direct downwards to the floor. At this point his head would be near the floor but his butt in the air hehe. Held on to the treat until he settled down his butt and is in down position. Immediately gave him the treat and praised him. After a few times, we added the down command the moment his entire body is on the floor.

oops wrong pic...this is the "Carpet" version haha his favorite at rest position.......Down!

Down is good for safety! A dog in down position will be calmer and this is very useful outside when you want him to stay put in a more submissive position than Sit.

After he knows the command, he will perform a down quickly without the butt in the air part first. We also deviated from the treat at nose to ground and substituted a hand action of vertically moving our hand downwards (downward sweeping motion) while standing up (human not dog). Again after we give the treat we say OK to release Slurpie from the action.

The OK release command will be useful later for the Stay training.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Tricks and Treats

We are pretty strict on Slurpie's diet. We try to at least. One big no no on any ingredients listed is anything to do with Chicken. Apparently alot of schnauzers get schnauzer bumps from eating chicken and so we try to avoid.

We also try to get items that does not list too many ingredients. One good example is the Shiloh & Lester Salmon Wild (100% salmon and not else supposedly). Omega-3 that should make his black coat glossier....

Only bane? this stuff is fishy big time. slurpie's breathe stinks really and cos we use this as our outdoor treats initially, it stank up the treats bag and even my bag cos i put the treats bag in mine. And when he licks himself the smell just gets all over!

We have stopped since the last pack as I cannot really stand the stench. But perhaps it will be ok to feed your dog some before his bath session just so he gets the goodness. DO NOT place the opened bag in your bag or car if you do not want to be mistaken as a fishmonger though.

Our regular treat is Jerky Naturals by Zuke's at home.
  • Fortified with vitamins and minerals
  • Only 17 calories per piece
  • Made without artificial colors, flavors or by-products
  • Free of wheat, corn and soy
As we put Slurpie thru regular training sessions daily we wanted something that will not make him obese from too much snacking and easy to chew and swallow (this is quite soft). As the pieces are pretty big, we cut them into small 2-3mm squares and place them in a container by his play area so it is always available. We only cut a few pieces each time and replenish as it runs out to avoid spoilage from frequent exposure to air in the "daily" container.

The reason we have different treats for home and outdoors is to keep Slurpie interested. Little rascal is so distracted outside that he is not attracted to the treats at all since he knows he can have the same stuff at home. After we finished the salmon, we bought cheese sticks. Hmmm...the ingredients are so-so la but at least no chicken parts. It is again soft and we cut them into small pieces.

I think its ok to change treats to keep the dog interested in the training since it would only make up 10-20% of his daily diet. But I still dislike funny treats i see with all types of nice coloring and shapes as i think they are meant to attract the owners and not benefit the dog at all.

Other regular treats that Slurpie gets includes apples, pears, oranges, yoghurt (good for him really but have to be the natural and plain type), basically any fruits we are having ourselves other then grapes which i heard are a no-no. He would sit and wait (drool and stare as well) while we eat our apples (he knows the hierarchy, he eats last! no begging allowed) Greedy boy is sooooo cooperative when he knows there is a slurpilicious treat soon!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Identity Revealed

When we first got slurpie he had the usual puppy cut. Subsequently we only gave him a 1cm bear cut to retain his puppy fur instead of clipping it all off for a regular schnauzer cut. thus slurpie always look a little afro like and being black, many people could not recognise what breed he is. We often have passer-bys ask "Oh what a cute puppy, what breed is he"

To celebrate his 6th month birthday tomorrow, we finally tried the schnauzer cut and he looks so different!

>> Puppy boy
>> afro pup

yeah tadah the black schnauzer. pardon his legs, i actually washed his feet earlier and they were wet so it looks like it is tapered. it is actually a nice straight cut (funny how i sound like i am talking about jeans...)

the man likes this cut, feels that slurpie's eyes look brighter and more alert now that we can actually see them and that he looks nice and sleek. i kinda miss his afro look though cos it makes him looks so messy and cute like a teddy. As for Slurpie? This is what he thinks:

look ma i can see you now

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