Monday, June 23, 2008

Identity Revealed

When we first got slurpie he had the usual puppy cut. Subsequently we only gave him a 1cm bear cut to retain his puppy fur instead of clipping it all off for a regular schnauzer cut. thus slurpie always look a little afro like and being black, many people could not recognise what breed he is. We often have passer-bys ask "Oh what a cute puppy, what breed is he"

To celebrate his 6th month birthday tomorrow, we finally tried the schnauzer cut and he looks so different!

>> Puppy boy
>> afro pup

yeah tadah the black schnauzer. pardon his legs, i actually washed his feet earlier and they were wet so it looks like it is tapered. it is actually a nice straight cut (funny how i sound like i am talking about jeans...)

the man likes this cut, feels that slurpie's eyes look brighter and more alert now that we can actually see them and that he looks nice and sleek. i kinda miss his afro look though cos it makes him looks so messy and cute like a teddy. As for Slurpie? This is what he thinks:

look ma i can see you now

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