During one of the weeks that the man was away for biz trip, I got bored and tried to play
Find with Slurpie. It worked and he really likes it, try with your poochie they really like to be lil sher-dog holmes *wink*
I started off with him doing a sit stay in about 3m away from the room where I intended to hide one of his favourite toy - pluto stuffed toy. I stood at the entrance of the room and showed him I had Pluto in my hand, then I walk out of sight into the room and placed Pluto about 1 m away from the door. For the 1st couple of times do not really hide the toy so they get the idea what the command Find means.
After that I released Slurpie with a OK and said Find Pluto while standing near Pluto. He came running and when he picked up Pluto I immediately praised him. Good Find. Repeated it a few times each time placing Pluto further into the room, on top of the low stool and eventually behind objects so he has to sniff and hunt around for it.
Now I can totally keep any toy out of sight or reach and when I say Find he will start sniffing everywhere. Hehe very vey fun really, try it!