Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sit Stay Meal Times

Since day 1 we make Slurpie do sit stay before he gets his meal. The duration gets pregressively longer. This is the time when he is the most focused (on the food!) and you can do whatever you like to him! The man now actually do stripping/grooming for 15-30mins now while Slurpie stares longingly at his meal. Occassionally he lets us knows he has waited to long by whimpering or trying to crawl to the food slowly.....

This is very important as we let him know he only gets to eat when we allow him to (we use release command OK). I have also extended this to play time. When I play fetch with Slurpie I will give the stay command before I throw sometimes and he knows he can only run after the toy after I release him. He thus knows his hierarchy in this pack =) hehe.

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